Susan Prochak

Lib Dem Leader on Rother District Council Learn more

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Robertsbridge Christmas Capers

by susanprochak on 20 December, 2007

On 7 December, residents enjoyed getting together for Christmas Capers. This event is organised by Robertsbridge Arts Parnership (RAP) and Robertsbridge Enterprise Group (REG). This community event is financially supported by RAP, Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council and Rother District Council. This year RAP had a grant from Awards for All to provide workshops for young people to make head dresses to wear for the circus procession. The grant also paid for the street entertainers, Puck and the Pantomime Dames.

We had a first this year, with a Tree of Love. Anyone can write a dedication for a loved one on a star to be hung on the tree. You can still do this at either Belle Flowers or Floral Boutique. All proceeds go to St Michael’s Hospice.

United Reformed Church hosted the community choir, Rococo as well as stalls with gifts and goodies, including Fair Trade products

Members of the Darvell Community came along and provided delicious homemade doughnuts and their musicians joined Rococo for carol singing.

There are many volunteers to thank for making the evening a success – our traders, Susanna & Dicky Clymo who open up their house for Roger Hill’s paintings, to Lyn Lewis who organised the Christmas trees and lights, to Simon Longhurst for providing lighting, to the Bonfire Society who help with the road closure.


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